Spielt als Shao Kahn Goro oder Kintaro in MK9

  • Ich habe etwas gefunden.. einen art Cheat womit man Goro ect. auswählen und spielbar machen kann.


    Beschreibung ist auch mit drin. da steht:

    Each “Play As” code will allow you to play as various NPCs. Each code will have an activation code which you enter after you’ve selected any
    character and difficulty level. Make sure to press the activation code anytime after the “ladder” screen apears, but before the round starts.
    The code has to be re-activated after the “ladder” screen appears, after each time you de-activate it. You could change who you play as each
    time, if you so choose, by doing a different activation code, or don’t activate it, and just let the first person you selected go ahead and fight.

    Play as Shao Khan in Single Ladder or Tag Team Ladder:
    Activation Code: BACK + X

    Play as Goro in Single Ladder or Tag Team Ladder:
    Activation Code: BACK + Y

    Play as Kintaro in Single Ladder or Tag Team Ladder:
    Activation Code: BACK + A

    Here’s a list of players that you’ll be able to play with (Taken from the hack-guide):

    1. Classic Jade
    2. Classic Noob
    3. Classic Reptile
    4. Classic Smoke
    5. Cyber Ninja LK4D4
    6. Goro
    7. Kintaro
    8. Shao Khan
    9. Tarkatan Soldier

    Viel spass beim probieren...

    Lg eu

    Steam Account: Gygoracdes       BattleNet: Gygoracdes#2182

    Most Wanted PC


  • LOGO habs ich getestet aber ging nicht... ausserdem kann man es nicht 1 zu 1 übersetzen.. es ist wirr...

    ...da mit steuerungstasten und de-aktivierung und dann wieder aktivierung kein plan... hab keine
    Deutsche übersetzung gefunden! Aber ich denke schon dass es klappt. Bei Youtube kannste Videos anschauen dort wählen diese Freaks
    zB. scorpion aus, im arcademodus, wenn dann der Kampf beginnt kommt Shao Kahn oder Goro ins Bild.

    Steam Account: Gygoracdes       BattleNet: Gygoracdes#2182

    Most Wanted PC


  • Jungs !!!!!

    Das kann auch nicht gehen ausser ihr habt was mit euren Konsolen gemacht [ Xbox360 = Jtag , Ps3 = jailbreak ]

    Hier mal die richtige Anleitung :


    100% Credit to Mortal Kombat 9 ******* v **.** by ****

    Mortal Kombat 9 ******* v ***.*** by ****

    This trainer is button based, and you can enable things from button presses. Just follow the directions below for specific instructions on each thing it can do. It will be updated with new additions.

    How to use the "Play As" features:

    Each "Play As" code will allow you to play as various NPCs. Each code will have an activation code which you enter after you've selected any character and difficulty level. Make sure to press the activation code anytime after the "ladder" screen apears, but before the round starts. The code has to be re-activated after the "ladder" screen appears, after each time you de-activate it. You could change who you play as each time, if you so choose, by doing a different activation code, or don't activate it, and just let the first person you selected go ahead and fight.

    Pressing "right" on the D-Pad or on your Arcade Stick that is set as digital input, not analog, will deactivate the "Play As" code. The code must be deactivated anytime after the match starts and before you win or lose and go back to the "ladder" screen, where you can re-activate the code at that time. So make sure that you do not press "right" while waiting for the match to start, but after it starts, it is ok to deactivate it. The reason it must be deactivated, is if you have the code still activated before the "ladder" screen appears, it will lock-up when it appears. So if you play with the D-Pad or an Arcade Stick, you won't have to remember to deactivate, and you just have to be careful about not deactivating it on the "ladder" screen or loading screen, before the match actually loads up and then starts.

    Play as Shao Khan in Single Ladder or Tag Team Ladder:
    Activation Code: BACK + X

    Play as Goro in Single Ladder or Tag Team Ladder:
    Activation Code: BACK + Y

    Play as Kintaro in Single Ladder or Tag Team Ladder:
    Activation Code: BACK + A

    This is the only thing the ******* does so far. I will be adding many more characters to play as, as well as trying to add new features, such as possibly a God Mode.

    hab mal ein paar **** eingefügt keine lust stress zu bekommen aber googel Hilft ;)

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