Beiträge von Lin Fu

    ein ganz cooler Kampf zwischen Raiden und Shang Tsung mit einem tollen Ending :cool:

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    Mortal Kombat: Kiefer Sutherland spricht von neuem Spiel

    Da kommt wohl ein neues “Mortal Kombat” auf uns zu: Für die Bestätigung sorgte Kiefer Sutherland in einem aktuellen Interview rund um “Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain”.

    In einem aktuellen Interview des Schauspielers Kiefer Sutherland über seine Arbeit an “Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain” bestätigte er, dass er außerdem an einem neuen “Mortal Kombat”-Spiel gearbeitet hat.

    Im Interview über seine Rolle als Big Boss in “Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain” sagte Sutherland: “Ich habe an Mortal Kombat gearbeitet, und es ist ein gewaltiges Spiel, aber es ist so gar nicht wie MGS5.”

    Im Gegensatz zur Arbeit an “Metal Gear Solid 5″, die rund ein Jahr gedauert hat, war die Arbeit an “Mortal Kombat” recht schnell schnell vorüber, wie Sutherland anmerkte. Welche Rolle er in “Mortal Kombat” übernahm, hat er allerdings nicht verraten.

    Warner Brothers und NetherRealm haben sich bisher nicht zu Sutherlands Mitarbeit bei einem neuen “Mortal Kombat”-Projekt geäußert.


    gestern habe ich alle Folgen ohne zu blinzeln geschaut :D meine Meinung:

    im Vergleich zu Legacy I ist es wirklich eine Steigerung. Mir haben viele Dinge gefallen, aber viele Dinge auch nicht und ich weiss nicht, ob dass einfach daran liegt, dass Tancharoen wenig Zeit hatte, wenig Geld, oder einfach wenig Talent.

    Ich finde es interessant, wie er sich das Turnier vorstellt und das ist für mich eine logischere Variante. Anstatt im KO System oder sonst irgendein turnierartiges System zu wählen, müssen die Kämpfer einfach... überleben. Das eröffnet viele Möglichkeiten, wer gegen wen kämpfen kann, warum ein Charakter mehr Kämpfe hat als der andere, etc.

    Besonders geil fand ich die Fatalities, vor allem beim Kampf Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero. Einfach der Hammer und völlig unerwartet!

    Schauspielerisch überzeugen konnten mich nur Sub-Zero (Eric Steinberg) und Scorpion (Ian Anthony Dale).

    Allgemein fand ich die schauspielerischen Leistungen nicht gerade so toll. Und die Dialoge waren ziemlich billig und zum Teil so lächerlich, dass ich mich fast fremdschämen musste. Ich meine, kommt ein Charakter wirklich so cool rüber, wenn in jedem zweiten Satz "Fuck" vorkommt? Ich denke eher nicht...

    Die Stories haben zum Teil einen guten Ansatz. Speziell bei Liu Kang, Kenshi und Sub-Zero/Scorpion. Doch aus meiner Sicht, müsste man an denen noch feilen. Gewisse Sachen wirken sehr unlogisch, wie z.B. dass die ursprüngliche Story im 12. Jahrhundert spielt und die Menschen noch heute leben. Ich meine Kenshi und Bi-Han sind ja auch nur Menschen und sterblich... auch hätte ich die Story um Kuai-Liang ein wenig mehr ausgebaut...

    Die Kampfszenen waren "gut", aber nicht atemberaubend... es gibt bessere Kampfszenen.

    Story 6/10
    Schauspieler 5/10
    Soundtrack 8/10
    Kampfszenen 7/10
    Gesamtbewertung 6/10

    Mr. Tancharoen: vermassle den Film nicht!!

    Die wissen glaube ich selber nicht mehr was sie wollen. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass wir an einen Film noch 'glauben' müssen. Warner Brothers hat ja letztes Jahr offiziell den Film bestätigt mit einem Budget von 50 Millionen Dollar und jetzt heisst es sie wissen noch nicht mal das Budget...

    Cary Tagawa (Shang Tsung) hat ja bestätigt, dass im April die Dreharbeiten beginnen sollten. Anscheinend doch nicht...

    Dienstag, 17. September 2013

    Vor einiger Zeit versuchte Regisseur Kevin Tancharoen ("Fame") Warner davon zu überzeugen, einen neuen "Mortal Kombat"-Kinofilm zu produzieren. Das Studio lehnte ab, weswegen er seine Ideen in der Webserie "Mortal Kombat: Legacy" verarbeite. Diese wurde ein großer Erfolg, weswegen Tancharoen weiter an einen Kinofilm glaubt und nun verriet, dass es sogar sehr gut dafür aussehe.

    Der Erfolg der Webserie "Mortal Kombat: Legacy" von Kevin Tancharoen scheint dem Regisseur jetzt doch noch seinen Traum vom Kinofilm zur Videospielreihe möglich zu machen. Auf Nachfrage von verriet der Filmemacher, dass man sogar bereits mitten in den Vorbereitungen dafür steckt: Sein Skript sei bereits gut und man könne inzwischen die Größe des Budgets abschätzen und suche nach Drehorten.

    Der Kinofilm soll allerdings inhaltlich nicht die Serie weiterführen oder ergänzen, sondern eine eigenständige Geschichte erzählen. Tancharoen möchte mit dem "Mortal Kombat"-Kinofilm dem Universum auf diese Weise eine neue Ebene verleihen. Wann die Produktion beginnen soll, steht noch nicht fest.

    Zunächst beginnt ab dem 26.September 2013 erst einmal die Ausstrahlung der zweiten Staffel von "Mortal Kombat: Legacy" auf dem YouTube-Kanal Machinima.


    Hier ist auch ein neuer Trailer:

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    also ich habe eine andere Info.

    Season 3 wurde nicht offiziell angekündigt, es ist aber angedacht und in naher Zukunft könnte eine dritte Staffel gedreht werden. Dort wäre dann Jeri Ryan evtl. wieder dabei.

    In der Quelle von ssubzzero steht es auch so ausdrücklich...

    Sie wollten Goro und Kabal in die Staffel 2 integrieren, aufgrund von Geldmangel musste sie es aber streichen. Aus diesem Grund sagen sie dass sie dann evtl. in einer dritten Staffel dabei wären...

    Kampfszene zwischen Sub-Zero und Scorpion

    Ich glaube Machinima feiert hier ein Jubiläum und die haben die Kampfszene zwischen den beiden laufen lassen (Season 2), und zwar den kompletten Kampf!!

    Spult bei 23:48:20. Dort beginnt es:

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    es ist schon ziemlich schwach von WB, dass sie nicht wenigstens ein konkretes Datum angeben können, wann die Serie startet.

    Klar ist Mortal Kombat kein grosser Publikumsmagnet wie vielleicht andere Projekte, aber es ist doch eine gewisse Menge, die die Serie sehnlichst erwartet...

    September ist OK, aber dann sollen Sie es wenigstens auch öffentlich bekannt geben und nicht dass wir es über die Schauspieler auf ihren Facebook Seiten erfahren...


    If you’ve watched The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Austin Powers in Goldmember, or We Were Soldiers, then you have probably seen actor Brian Tee. This year, he has a lot of exciting upcoming projects including The Wolverine starring Hugh Jackman and Mortal Kombat: Legacy Season 2. I had a really fun interview with Brian as we talked about his role as Shaolin monk Liu Kang in the second season of the Mortal Kombat: Legacy web series.

    Note: Jonathan, Brian Tee’s friend, joins the interview. F-bombs aplenty.

    John “Spartan” Nguyen: So you’re doing a bunch of exciting “nerdy” projects. You’ve got The Wolverine and you’ve got the second season for Mortal Kombat: Legacy.

    Brian Tee: Totally. Trust me. I was a nerd and still am a nerd, myself. So it’s just as good to be a part of it as fans are to see it. So it’s all good man.

    Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do not let Brian fool you. This guy’s popped more fucking quarters into that MK machine than like, fucking, Ed Boon did. (laughter)

    Yeah. Ed Boon is a pretty cool cat.

    Brian Tee: Totally dude, totally. He’s awesome.

    When does the first episode come out?

    Jonathan: I believe early May is what they said. There’s no official date yet. It’s when they feel comfortable about blasting them out. I’m pretty sure they want to time the release of the finale to the start of Comic-Con.

    Brian Tee: I would assume they would do it during, just so they can go down there and be like, “No. We have the season finale of Mortal Kombat coming in.”

    And that includes you coming down to Comic-Con too, right?

    Brian Tee: Yeah, I’ll definitely have a presence at Comic-Con because I’ll be there for Mortal Kombat and for The Wolverine.

    So you played Mortal Kombat before?

    Brian Tee: Fuck yeah!

    Out of all the character, who is your favorite?

    Brian Tee: My favorite character was Sub-Zero. I ain’t gonna fucking lie. It wasn’t Liu Kang.

    When I got offered the part, I was like, “Dude, I’m the last guy you want to play Liu Kang. Seriously, there are other guys out there that are kind of Bruce Lee-esque. They searched through my background and my acting, and things that I’ve done in the past and what I really like to do – you know, get into characters and really have an encompassing feel for all this other stuff.” Liu Kang in the video game, to me, when I was a kid coming up, I thought, “That’s like a wannabe Bruce Lee.” He was this one note caricature of a martial artist/kung fu guy. I wanted someone with a lot more depth and a lot more feeling and character struggle.

    When the offer came in, I was like, “No,” but they were like, “No, read it. Read it!” I got a great buddy of mine who’s playing Scorpion in the first series and in the second series. [Ian Anthony Dale] gave me a call and he goes, “No, dude. Fucking read it.” So I read it, and it blew my mind. It’s pretty much the Liu Kang saga where he’s the anti-hero of the series. And you see why he’s so angry and frustrated with Kung Lao and why he’s riding the lines between different worlds and realms, whether it’s Outworld or Earthrealm, no one really knows for sure where he wants to go. There’s just so much pain and agony and hatred towards all the elements, that he just wants to lash out upon others in a sense too.


    Brian Tee: So the character was rad, and again, everything is justified. You can see his back story and seeing the reasons why he’s going through this anguish. And that’s what really drew me to the character. As soon as I read it, I was like, “I’m in.”

    It’s definitely a new take on the character.

    Brian Tee: I feel it is. I think it’s a much more rounded, better, surreal, and visceral take on it, instead of what you’re used to when playing the video game. And so that’s why when I was growing up, Sub-Zero was my favorite character. He’s much more dynamic than Liu Kang, in my eyes. Doing the web series, they’ve completely flipped Liu Kang upside down and I freaking love it. He’s got to be one of my favorite characters I’ve ever played.

    I’ve seen photos of Sub-Zero on the set. I’m going to have to admit that I’m not particularly fond of his new outfit. He kind of looks like a dirt bike rider.

    Brian Tee: (laughter) I got nothing to do with that, but, you know, I think, production-wise, it being a web series, I couldn’t tell the difference. I’ve done huge movies and large television shows and all this other stuff, and when you say “web series” everyone thinks “smaller budget.” Man, what Kevin Tancharoen was able to do with this budget is literally in comparison to a large studio feature. It was awesome, phenomenal. Despite some of the choices that fans may or may not like, what you’re going to see on screen is something epic. Little things here and there, due to the scope of the series, will add up, and that’s why I think you guys will be blown away.

    How did you get attached to the project in the first place?

    Brian Tee: Well firstly, I knew that the Mortal Kombat series was happening. And then I gave my buddy Ian a call because he did the first series, and he’s always talked about if there’s ever something to get involved in, it’s this. It being a web series, we’re not really looking out for that, but because Kevin did what he did, like with the first teaser and then the first season after that, it really blew me away. That completely piqued my interest. I didn’t know what character I was going to do, and then the Liu Kang role came up and Kevin actually gave me a call about the characters. Like I said before, I was on the fence and wanted to talk to him about it. We hit it off and were really on the same page on every level in where he and I wanted to take the character.

    I think it’s interesting that Kevin Tancharoen did a musical before doing a violent video game adaptation.

    Brian Tee: Kevin, admittedly is a big fanboy himself. It’s why he took it upon himself to do the full-on trailer, just to show his chops, to make sure that there was no doubt he could do it. He freaking knocked it out of the park. That’s why whatever he had done in the past was the furthest from my mind and that it didn’t have a reflection on what he would do with Mortal Kombat. I think Mortal Kombat, and everyone around it is fortunate to have Kevin direct it.

    Is the web series gonna be episodic again? I was also wondering if it’s going to be one story to the next, or is each episode going to be self contained?

    Brian Tee: I would say both. There are definitely some episodes that are kind of linear and connected. Then there are ones that kind of separate themselves. It’s not solidified for me that they’re in order of which episode or storyline is going to come through, but it’ll definitely be almost seamless in a sense – even when you jump storyline to storyline. It’ll all intermingle towards the tournament. So I think it’s both elements that you were talking about in particular.

    You’ve seen all of the episodes for season one, and I was wondering if that plays into season two or if it’s a separate thing.

    Brian Tee: I think it’s just a continuation of. I think what season two does is really go deeper into the characters, their stories and their struggles. Sure it’s establishing the characters who may not have been established in the past, but it really follows more in-depth of their situation and the reasons they’re going to the tournament. There’s more of a story-level base, but then it’s also action-packed, and fans will totally love everything that’s going on in the tournament, the action and the fighting. We had some of the best stunt guys in the world. Garrett Warren, who is the stunt coordinator for Avatar, Larnell Stovall, who choreographed the whole thing has done some epic fucking movies. My stunt double, Kim Do, was the stunt double for me. So we had the most legit of legit stunt guys there. So the action for Mortal Kombat obviously has to be straight up legit, and you’re going to have even more, I want to say, badasses in season two than you did I season one, for sure.

    Brian, you don’t need a stunt double!

    Brian Tee: (laughter) I’ll tell you this much, man. I give those stunt guys all the respect in the world. Respect is earned, you know what I’m saying? I had to literally earn my way into doing my own stunts. I’m not gonna say I did them all, but I know I can guarantee you that everything you’ll see in episode one was all me. Then again, I want to make the project the best that it can be. I will step down for a stunt guy who will maybe be able to do a certain kick or move that’s just much more legitimate than anything I can do. Me being a perfectionist, I want to learn all those things and do them myself as much as possible to make it that much more authentic. So I think what you’ll see with this series, and especially my character Liu Kang, I did a majority of my stunts with the help of the stunt coordinator, Garrett Warren, with the help of the choreographer, Larnell Stovall, with the help of my stunt double, Kim Do, all in collaboration to make Liu Kang what he needs to be. You guys all know what that is. I was actually quite happy with it.

    I was wondering if, when you’re on set, you’ve ever had that moment where you go, “All right. I can’t do that. You guys just take it over.”

    Brian Tee: I don’t know man. I’m the first one to try everything. Or the first guy to learn everything. But there are just certain things that you can’t do, in the business. It may be too dangerous or may be they need you for something else, or it just looks better when someone else does it. There are a lot of elements like that, and I would probably respectfully give way, absolutely, in certain occasions, because I don’t want my ego to get in the way if it’s going to be a detriment to the end product.

    We really do have the best stunt guys in the world on this shoot. I’m not telling them how to act. I gotta bow down to, and respect their creativity, their mastery and the work that they put into it. But it was a complete collaboration. I grew up as an athletic dude, always wanting to do certain things here and there, so we mix the best of both worlds and I think the fans will totally enjoy, not just my scenes, but all the action sequences through the entire series.

    Do you know how many episodes you’re going to be in, in the series?

    Brian Tee: If I had to count, dude, I would say at least more than half of the episodes. There’s a lot of other episodes that have to establish other characters and establish different story lines. But I feel within the core of this next series, it’s really going to go in depth with a lot of the characters and with Liu Kang being almost the poster child, per se, of Mortal Kombat, from inception. I think they really want to focus on him, but they also want to really feel that they can connect to him, in my eyes. I feel like they can in different ways than maybe they’re used to.

    Can you reveal who you’re going to be fighting?

    Brian Tee: If I could reveal who I’m going to be fighting…I don’t know if I can reveal that, but I can tell you I will be fighting. (laughter)

    Jonathan: Even in the trailer, I can tell one of the guys you’re fighting.

    Brian Tee: Yeah, totally. If you guys all check out the trailer, please do. I think it’s one of the sickest trailers I’ve ever seen. You can tell right there who I’m fighting, but we’re all going towards the tournament and everybody’s fighting everybody. So I’m definitely fighting certain characters that people will come to see and know.

    You have Cary, who plays Shang Tsung. He’s returning. You must have been excited about that.

    Brian Tee: Totally. To have one of the OGs come back and play the original Shang Tsung was awesome, for all of us. It really brought the whole Mortal Kombat world (as far as the web series and the feature films, and all of that) together. I’ve always grown up watching him, and really enjoyed and respected his work. He’s one of those guys who really paved the way, especially for Asian-American actors within the industry. To share the screen with him, to have him on the set is really an honor. But also, it’s really fitting for Mortal Kombat Legacy II.

    Other than Liu Kang, what other character do you think fans should be looking out for, in terms of being a badass?

    Brian Tee: I honestly think, as far as being a badass, all the characters are badasses in their own right. Every fan out there will just want to root for or relate to the one that they actually play with in the game. What Kevin’s done is created this world and these elements and characters that everyone can kind of relate to, connect to and kind of borrow, especially through the character development that he’s discovered and created. Probably the one guy who is one of the biggest poster children for Mortal Kombat is Ian Anthony Dale. He brought me onto this project, and he did the teaser, he did season one, and he re-established himself in season two. Even before the trailer even starts, there’s his face, and rightfully so. I definitely think everyone should look out for Scorpion. 1 – Because he killed it. 2 – Because he’s a dear friend of mine. And 3 – Because he deserves it, and rightfully so.

    Scorpion does kill Sub-Zero, in the game, so I’m not sure how you feel about that. Is it a betrayal? After all, Sub-Zero’s your favorite character.

    Brian Tee: (laughter) I hear what you’re saying. I understand. Personally, and now that I’ve gotten older, I’m Liu Kang, man. I’m freaking Liu Kang, dude. Back in the day, I felt like we’ve basically rebuffed Liu Kang and we created what we created. The fact I was able to be a part of it and play him – Liu Kang is like my guy. And vice versa. Whatever Scorpion did to Sub-Zero is all good.

    Aber im änlichen Stil wie da. Das einzige, was mich an der Season zwei nervt:

    Raiden is ne pussy -.-
    Ich find in Conquest war er sehr perfekt dargestellt, im ersten Teil vom Film auch noch, danach wurde er immer mehr Pussy xD
    Ich mein, die hohe Stimme im Trailer, wenn er sagt:
    By surviving...

    Da denk ich jedesmal, er hat zuvor eins auf die Klöten bekommen vom Johnny Cage xD

    finde ich irgendwie auch... Raiden ist ein Gott und er sollte auch die Ausstrahlung eines Gottes haben. Am besten kommt er immer noch in den Games rüber mit seiner tiefen Stimme und dem kräftig gebauten Körper.

    Die Dreharbeiten beginnen im April :cool::cool::cool:

    und dreimal raten wer Shang Tsung wieder spielen wird :D spult vor bei 3:50, dort spricht er es kurz an

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    ich glaube aber er ist nicht so auf dem Laufenden, da er sagt, es sei der dritte Teil